producing sustainable, local, affordable shellfish for southern b.c. residents.
food insecurity and climate change are existential issues increasingly impacting communities throughout b.c.
ondine oceanfarm is committed to helping consumers reduce their environmental footprint by providing delicious, low-impact shellfish at affordable prices.
our vision
coastal communities around the globe have survived for thousands of years off the bounty of the sea. shellfish have always played an integral role in this. oysters and scallops have been a traditional food source in british columbia since time immemorial due to their abundance along the coast.
Our vision is to provide sustainable, accessible, food choices for everyone. Oysters, scallops, and kelp require no fertilizer, pesticides, feed, or fresh water. By using the whole water column, we can maximize space, to allow for greater food production density.
We believe regenerative ocean farming is an opportunity to rebuild sustainable coastal habitats that have been impacted by industrial development and industrial shipping. Our farm will utilize symbiotic relationships in nature, to promote biodiversity and and habitat restoration.